
Pozdravljeni na Bledu!

Prav v središču med tradicionalnimi hišami je bil zasnovan prostor, ki nas popelje v svet dobrega počutja. Arhitektura novega hotela združuje teme tradicije, sodobnega načina uživanja prostega časa ter sprostitve. V ospredje postavlja sobivanje z naravo ter spoštovanje naravnih materialov kot sta les in kamen.

Zasnova notranjosti združuje materialnost, ki izhaja iz lokacije in pristno izkustvo narave.

Interier je zasnovan v treh višinskih nivojih, ki povzemajo naravne in tradicionalne danosti okolja - podzemlje, tla in gozd. Nivoji se v materialu odražajo kot kamen in les.

Zasnova interierja se zaokroži z doživetjem svetlobe/barv, vode/ledu, zvezd/ognja. Mehke barvite tkanine, pogled na zvezdno nebo, ogenj v lončeni peči in vonj po sveže pečenem kruhu so drobna presenečenja, ki nas spremljajo na poti do sprostitve in notranjega miru.





Welcome to Bled!

Right in the center between traditional houses, a space was designed that takes us into the world of well-being. The architecture of the new hotel combines themes of tradition, modern leisure and relaxation. It emphasizes coexistence with nature and respect for natural materials such as wood and stone.

The interior design combines the materiality derived from the location and the authentic experience of nature.

The interior is designed in three height levels, which summarize the natural and traditional features of the environment - underground, soil and forest. The levels are reflected in the material as stone and wood.

The interior design is rounded off with the experience of light/colors, water/ice, stars/fire. Soft colorful fabrics, a view of the starry sky, a fire in a clay oven and the smell of freshly baked bread are small surprises that accompany us on the way to relaxation and inner peace.



Nastanitvena/ Accomodation




Zasebni / Private



Idejna faza / Project design



Arhiv studia / Studio archive


  V sodelovanju z Atelje Hočevar in

arhitekturnim kolektivom Mismo /

In collaboration with Atelje Hočevar and

architecture collective Mismo