Ko pustiš mestni vrvež za sabo, stopiš v topel dom, ki pričara nasmeh. Kolaž naravnih lesenih površin v kombinaciji s črno in dodatkom taktilne keramike kar vabi h kuhališču, za mizo.
Ravne linije dopolnjujejo dodatki - okrogla svetila nad jedilno mizo, vrtljiva valjasta svetila na hodniku, barvaste kroglice na otroškem pohištvu. Kljuke pa v roko ponujajo kar masivne lesene krogle.
Na prvi pogled običajni prostori presenetijo z omarami, ki skrivajo potezne predale, globoke police ali pa služijo kar kot stena sama. Otroške postelje s drsnimi zasloni in premično pohištvo pišejo vsakokrat drugačno sceno, takšno kot se dopade malim raziskovalcem.
When you leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind, you step into a warm, smiling home. A collage of natural wood surfaces in combination with black and the addition of tactile ceramics invites you to the hob, at the table.
The straight lines are complemented by accessories - round lights above the dining table, rotating cylindrical lamps in the hallway, colorful balls on the children's furniture. The hooks, however, offer massive wooden balls in their hand.
At first glance, ordinary spaces are astonishing with cabinets that hide drawers, deep shelves, or just serve as a wall on their own. Children's beds with sliding screens and movable furniture each write a different scene, much to the liking of small researchers..
2017 - 2019
Stanovanje / Residential
Zasebni / Private
Zaključeno / Completed
Arhiv studia / Studio archive