
Zgodba se začne s travnikom blizu potoka v senci dreves in ob njem dom za mlado družino in mačka, ki se rad pocrklja.

Zasnova hiše sledi želji, da se velik bivalni prostor poveže s travnikom - tako vizualno kot fizično. To prvo željo smo razvili tako, da se zunanji in notranji prostor povezujeta v nizu raznolikih ambientov.

Velik in pester prostor tako ponuja, da se lahko v miru vsak posveti svoji strasti - ko na deževen dan v kuhinji pečeš piškote z galerije poslušaš klavir, spremljaš kako stopnice postajajo lego utrdba in prasketanje v kaminu uspava mačje raziskovalce.

Ali pa se prostor v trenutku spremeni v gala prizorišče vrtne zabave na topel poletni večer, ko zrak diši po travi in cvetju in klepet pojenja šele v pozni zvezdni noči.




The story begins with a meadow near a stream in the shade of trees and next to it a home for a young family and a cat who likes to cuddle.

The design of the house follows the desire to connect the large living space with the meadow - both visually and physically. We have developed this first wish in such a way that the external and internal are connected in a series of diverse small spaces.

It offers a large and varied main space so that everyone can devote themselves to their passion in peace - when you are baking cookies in the kitchen on a rainy day, listening to the piano from the gallery, watching how the stairs become a lego fortress and the crackling in the fireplace lulls the feline explorers to sleep.

Or the space instantly turns into a gala venue for a garden party on a warm summer evening, when the air smells of grass and flowers and the chatter subsides only in the late starry night.




Stanovanjsko/ Residential




Zasebni/ Private



V gradnji / Under construction



Arhiv studia/ Studio archive