Mlada starša, ki jima je življenje z naravo tudi edini način življenja in za svojo družino želita le najboljše, sta se odločila za lesen (masivno) hišo na gozdnem robu.
Kompaktna hiša združuje funkcionalnost in odprtost prostora. V pritličju, ki se polvkopano vpenja v hrib so urejene otroške sobe in funkcionalni prostori z izhodom na dvorišče. V nadstropju je celoten volumen hiše odprt bivalni prostor, središče družinskega življenja. Zasebni del za starše se nahaja v galeriji. Fasadni ovoj premišljeno povezuje notranjost z zunanjostjo in se povsem odpre v bivalnem delu, ki se izteče v široko teraso proti klančini v zavetje senčnih dreves.
Stanovanjska hiša je sestavljena iz predpripravljenih masivnih stenskih in strešnih elementov. Tovrstna gradnja pospeši proces na samem gradbišču, saj poteka zelo hitro. Smrekove deske, ki predstavljajo osnovo za tovrstni konstrukcijski sistem v notranjosti lahko ostanejo vidne, kar da interierju poseben značaj, hiša pa diši po gozdu…
Young parents living with nature, seeing it as the only way of life, want only the best for their family, so they decided to build wooden house on the edge of the forest.
Compact house combines the functionality and openness of the space. On the ground floor, which is half-buried woven into the hill, there are children room and service rooms with access to the courtyard. The main floor of the house is open living area taking up the entire volume, is the center of family life. Private part for parents is located in the gallery. The façade thoughtfully connects the interior with the exterior and completely open in the living area section, which connects to a wide terrace facing the hillside, sheltered with shady trees.
Residential house consists of a massive prefabricated wall and roof elements. Such construction speeds up the process at the construction site, since it takes place very quickly. Pine boards, which form the basis for such a structural system in the interior can remain visible, which gives the interior a special character, the house smells of the woods...
Stanovanjska hiša / Residential
Zasebni / Private
Zgrajeno / Built
Arhiv studia / Private archive